‘When city living
gets you down, lie in a field
of fantastic cows’
This collection of poems and the occasional photo haiku is a series of observed moments into the life of the city, questioning and probing at our urban discombobulation through the importunate lens of nature.
Available here: https://www.ethosbooks.com.sg/products/vital-possessions-marc-nair

Auguries of Modern Innocence is a contemporary rewrite of William Blake’s classic poem, ‘Auguries of Innocence.’ Replicating the full poem in length the poem reflects the troubles facing our world today, with various auguries presented as portents of a possible apocalyptic future if we were to continue consuming with such ‘innocence.’ The poem is illustrated by ten of Singapore’s leading graphic and comic illustrators.
Price: $20. Email me directly for a copy. Local postage included.
Intersection is available at Intersections Gallery, 34 Kandahar Street.
Or email me for a copy. SGD$20 including postage.
This Is Not A Safety Barrier is available here
Spomenik is available here
Books are available for sale from the Red Wheelbarrow Books online store:
Self-published, 2011. Available from Blurb.